Origin Bank to become Louisiana's largest bank
Can you name the largest bank headquartered in Louisiana? Not likely.
Origin Bank, headquartered in the village of Choudrant, will become the state's largest bank with $5.5 billion in assets when IberiaBank's merger with First Horizon is complete and its headquarters is moved from Lafayette to Memphis under the First Horizon name.
"Most people are going to be shocked," Origin Bank's Chief Executive Officer Drake Mills said, laughing.
Though the bank headquarters is located in Choudrant, with a population of fewer than 1,000 and one blinking traffic light, the corporate company headquarters is in the city of Ruston, home to a vibrant economy and Louisiana Tech University.
Mills said he promised his mentor and former CEO John Emory he wouldn't move the bank headquarters address, paying homage to the company's roots that got its start as the Bank of Choudrant more than a century ago in 1912.
Read more: https://www.shreveporttimes.com/story/news/2019/11/22/origin-bank-set-become-largest-bank-louisiana/4269926002/