Missing South Carolina cat safely recovered in Falmouth
FALMOUTH Lucy, the South Carolina cat who accidentally hitched a ride to Maine, will soon be on her way home.
Lisa Smith, a volunteer with Maine Lost Cat Recovery and executive director of the Homeless Animal Rescue Team shelter in Cumberland, said traps were set July 13 in the three locations that sounded the most promising, based on sightings reported by residents in the Hartford Avenue area.
Early the next morning, when the traps were checked, Lucy was in one and a raccoon was in the other, Smith said. She said Lucy may be headed home as early as Thursday, accompanied by a HART volunteer.
After several sightings, we put traps out in likely places and baited them with food, Smith said. She said Lucy, a 2-year-old calico, was in surprisingly good shape. She was a little thin, but has bounced back very nicely (over the weekend).
Read more: http://www.theforecaster.net/missing-south-carolina-cat-safely-recovered-in-falmouth/
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