what you should be aware of
We all hear about how the right is cutting spending. but the truth seems to be they are shifting taxes from business to the local tax payer while taking advantage of their psition.
look out for ALEC and its members!
Rep. Andre Cushing (R-Hampden)Andre Cushing is a realtor and former real estate developer. He was elected to theMaine Legislature in 2008, serves as Assistant Majority Leader and holds a positionon the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules and Elections. He recently announcedhis campaign for State Senate in District 33, a seat currently held by fellow ALECmember Derba Plowman, who must leave the seat due to term limits.Cushingis a dues-paying member of ALEC who attended the organization's annualmeeting in New Orleans in August 2011. The trip raised eyebrows when it came tolight that he sought and received taxpayer reimbursement for airfare, meals, and the$575 confernece registration fee a total of $2,102.08.9In January 2012, Maines Majority found thatCushing may have received a second reimbursement for the same expenses through his Respect MainePolitical Action Committee.10 In 2012 Cushing signed a controversial tax pledge created by conservative lobbyist Grover Norquist topressure elected officials into opposing any raise of the marginal tax rate for individuals or businesses.!!