Related: About this forumNational park in northern Maine
Last night I lessoned to a commentary with Roxanne Quimby's son on a proposal for a national park in northern Maine. I have had the opportunity to visit a number of national parks across the country and found it enjoyable. I how ever can not say with any authority if it would be right for Maine. I would very much like to hear other peoples opinion on a national park in northern Maine. If you have a few minuets let me know what you think. Thank you.
(10,237 posts)Heck, yes!
(11,087 posts)I grew up in Maine and a lot of Maine is rural (compared to many other states). It is a great state to live in if you love the outdoors. I like the idea of trying to protect the environment.
That aside, I do not trust Congress on the Federal Government to manage the land at its intended purpose. Just google James Watt, Reagan's Secretary of the Interior.
From wikipedia:
Watt's tenure as Secretary of the Interior was controversial, resulting primarily from his perceived hostility to environmentalism and his endorsement of the development and use of federal lands by foresting, ranching, and other commercial interests.
According to the environmental advocacy group Center for Biological Diversity, for more than two decades, Watt had the record for protecting the fewest species by the Endangered Species Act in United States history. The record was surpassed by Dirk Kempthorne, a George W. Bush appointee who, as of August 27, 2007, had not listed a single species in the 15 months since his confirmation.[2]
Greg Wetstone, who was the chief environment council at the House Energy and Commerce Committee during the Reagan administration and later served as director of advocacy at the Natural Resources Defense Council, said Watt was one of the two most "intensely controversial and blatantly anti-environmental political appointees" of American history. (The other was Anne Gorsuch, director of the EPA at that time.)[3] According to the environmental groups, Watt decreased funding for environmental programs,[4] restructured the department to decrease federal regulatory power,[4] wished to eliminate the Land and Water Conservation Fund (which had been designed to increase the size of National Wildlife Refuges and other protected land),[4] eased regulations of oil[4] and mining[4][5] companies, began efforts and directed the National Park Service to draft legislation that would have de-authorized a number of previously Congressionally authorized National Parks,[6] and favored making wilderness areas and shorelands, such as the Santa Monica Bay in southern California, available to commercial leasing for oil and gas exploration and development.[4]
(135,425 posts)News report on the subject:
Lucas St. Clair, president of the board of the foundation called "Elliotsville Plantation" is also Quimby's son. He says the reports prove that a national park or a combined national park and recreation area could be a boon to the region.
The reports compare 16 similar communities in the U.S. with a national park, a recreation area, or a combined national park and recreation area.
I think it would help the economy up that way, and that could use a little help.