Steny Hoyer talks FBI, federal budget woes
CAPITOL HILL – Federal decisions from the budget to the FBI headquarters relocation have a big impact on Prince George’s County, and Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.-5) says he is working to ensure beneficial outcomes.
Hoyer met with The Sentinel in his office last Wednesday to talk about his priorities as they relate to the county. The consolidation of FBI headquarters, and its relocation to one of three short-list sites, including two in Prince George’s County, is near the top of his list.
“I’ve had meetings with the county executive and with the county council, and that seems to be the number one item on their minds. The building would have a really positive effect for the county,” he said.
To date, about $900 million has been appropriated for the project, including $523 million in the fiscal year 2017 budget passed by Congress last month. But, Hoyer said between $800 and $900 million more is needed, and it has not been included in President Donald Trump’s latest budget proposal.
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