from Chris VanHollen:
'Looks like Senate Republicans are borrowing one of Trump's favorite tactics—when you don't like the facts, make up your own. Only now, Senate Republicans are trying to bully the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) into doing their dirty work for them. The CBO is the impartial referee that analyzes the real-world impact of various proposals. Republican Senators cannot face the truth—that their WealthCare bill will wreak havoc in our health care system—so they want the CBO to develop alternative facts. The reality is that over the last six months Trump and the Republicans have been doing everything they can to do further damage to the Affordable Care Act, and now they want to get "credit" for it. It's time for all Americans to call upon Senate Republicans to stop trying to sabotage the Affordable Care Act and, instead, work with patients, consumers, nurses, doctors, Democrats and others to improve our health care system.'
Senate GOP pressures budget refs for better score on ObamaCare replacement.