Related: About this forumWill Ben Jealous pull Maryland Democrats together or apart?
(Sorry about the divisive/wedge headline; Guess the Sun needs drama.)
'The day after Ben Jealous won Maryland’s Democratic nomination for governor, he appeared on a left-leaning MSNBC talk show and was asked the question roiling establishment Democrats.
Was he so liberal that he will help a Republican win? Break apart the Democratic Party?
Jealous largely dodged the premise of the question.
“Go ahead, call me a socialist,” Jealous answered, bringing up his latest job and most potent political antidote to the charge. “That doesn’t change the fact I’m a venture capitalist.” . .
Jealous supporters say the entire debate is overblown and ignores how the former NAACP chief won the primary in the first place: by building a coalition, unique in Maryland, of progressive organizations, labor unions and African-American support.'>>>

(25,111 posts)And she like the present governor.
(6,288 posts)Btw, it wasn't just "establishment" Democrats.
Democrats come in all ages, races, gender etc.
See how Media plays their divison game?
Its a pity Mr Jealous dodged the question.
His answer would be interesting.
Take note of the broadbrushed labels Media uses to 'identify' our Democratic Party.
Establishment. And that is the Lie being projected.
But Money & Media, ya know. $$$$$
Broadbrush Labels
(138,612 posts)Watch the interview and decide for yourself.
(25,111 posts)disarray.
(6,288 posts)The Democratic Party was their cash cow in 2016.
They're already imagining what it'll will take to refill their deep pockets this time around.
All in for Money & Media!! $$$
Media moves the message.
Jump in! Whoo hoo!
Country be damned
(13,305 posts)...are perceived as "moderate" or "centrist". Only of liberal ones.
When a liberal candidate doesn't win it's because they were too liberal and it's their fault for that. If a moderate or centrist (ie. conservative) candidate doesn't win then it's because liberal voters wanted ponies and threw tantrums or were being selfish.
Funny how that is.
Of course it won't matter because I'm sure all the very sensible folks who always implore liberals to vote Democrat always for the greater good will do that here, right?
(15,316 posts)is to clean up the mess after an 8-12 year orgy of Republican corruption. Any hint of a serious reform movement emerging is a threat that needs to be nipped in the bud.
How many times are we told to vote for the D, no matter what. Well, I’m no longer going to. In fact I’m going to join the DSA. So, so, sick of the centrist scolds here and elsewhere. I’ve had it with this party and this website.
(23,340 posts)elleng
(138,612 posts)for governor
Former Vice President Joe Biden joined Maryland Democrats Saturday night at Camden Yards to rally support for Ben Jealous as he mounts his campaign against Republican Gov. Larry Hogan, just four days after winning his party’s contested primary.
The former Delaware senator said Democrats need to end inner-party bickering to take back Congress and win local and state elections to defeat a Republican Party that he said favors corporations and wealthy donors over middle-class, working families.
“We have to stop them,” Biden told a crowd of 250 at the Jealous fundraiser. “We can’t do it if we’re divided.”
Biden was joined by the Maryland Democratic Party’s biggest names and representatives of the campaigns that rivaled Jealous. Among the Democratic leaders were Sen. Ben Cardin, former Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez, and Reps. Elijah Cummings, John Sarbanes and C.A. “Dutch” Ruppersberger.
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