Hogan Holds Double-Digit Lead Over Jealous
SEABROOK – Maryland Governor Larry Hogan holds a 16 percent lead over his Democratic opponent, Ben Jealous, with less than three months remaining before the general election, according to recent poll data.
Fifty-two percent of polled voters said they would support Hogan, according to a poll conducted by Gonzales Research & Media Services. The current governor is still popular with voters as 64 percent hold a favorable view of him and 63 percent of those polled believe Maryland is moving in the right direction. Eight-hundred-thirty-one registered voters were surveyed for the poll.
“If the Maryland election for governor was held today, GOP incumbent Larry Hogan would be re-elected, becoming a near Halley’s Comet-like phenomenon,” Pollster Patrick Gonzales said in the report.
The poll also suggests that Hogan is on pace to do better in Prince George’s County. In 2014, Hogan only collected 32,619 votes, less than 15 percent, from county voters. However, he still accumulated 51 percent of the vote to win the general election.
Read more: http://www.thesentinel.com/pgs/news/state/item/5031-hogan-holds-double-digit-lead-over-jealous