Debate with Hogan, Jealous to go ahead with original panel after flap over Democrat's veto
The lone debate scheduled between Republican Gov. Larry Hogan and Democratic nominee Ben Jealous will go ahead as planned Monday after the Jealous campaign dropped its veto of a western Maryland newspaper’s statehouse reporter as a panelist.
Now, Tamela Baker of The Herald-Mail in Hagerstown is back as a questioner. And The Baltimore Sun, which had said it was reconsidering its participation over concern about allowing candidates to choose the reporters who question them, will take part.
The Maryland-Delaware-District of Columbia Press Association, which objected Tuesday to the Jealous campaign’s action, welcomed the reversal.
“Public officials — and candidates — need to be accountable to the public,” the association said Wednesday in a statement. “That accountability creates strong government transparency and builds trust for constituents.”
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