Related: About this forumWhat the heck is going on in our state
Does anyone here have contacts within the state democratic party? Why are we so fractured this year? Why the lackluster support for Ben? Ike and Rushern basically disappeared and half heartedly endorsed Ben. Very disappointed in them and will remember their actions when people are reaching out for money in the future. The group of former democratic leaders that endorsed Hogan was another shame.
I am just frustrated because it seems like we are making progress nationally yet in Maryland we are going backwards. I feel like it would be easy to attack Hogan on environmental and health care issues, yet have seen no ads or talk about either. Is the "old white guy" club in Annapolis not ready for the future of the democratic party?
On a side note, I notice this forum is pretty dead. Is there another site where Maryland democrats are more active?

(25 posts)I live in neighboring PA,so I will just express what I hear is going on. Current Repub Gov Hogan is very popular. He coat tails on all the State House and Senate votes which are both majority Dems. He has a lot of money and unfortunately Ben Jealous hasn't been able to compete.If the House and Senate can increase there majorities especially in the State Senate they get a super majority and are veto proof.The House is already there.I would love a blue wave to sweep Hogan out of office but it's an uphill climb.
George II
(67,782 posts)...who I like, just doesn't have the experience or background to go up against such a popular incumbent.
(42,862 posts)A possible third reason I've seen discussed elsewhere may be that the appearance of Ben Jealous' close association with "socialism" (whether deserved or not) dissuades folks in the center from supporting him. During the primaries, Jealous made a HARD play to appeal to those who are furthest left in the Democratic party... and it worked! He got the nomination.
However, the things that motivate the far left to show up in the primary will also motivate MOST of the right and center-right, and moderate Republicans/Independents to support the Republican in the General Election. All I'm saying here is the the Jealous campaign miscalculated the overall and long-term effect of their strategy and public appearances.

Here are some photos of the "old white guy" club members in Maryland's Democratic Party.

(1,060 posts)I just wanted to discuss, not start a war. I voted for Jealous in the primary but honestly would have been fine supporting any of the candidates. I kind of feel a mini version of what happened between Clinton and Sanders is playing out in our state. After the primary our side never really came together. By fractured I meant this:
Dozens of Democrats are endorsing Md.’s Republican governor. Will it matter?
and this:
Ike Leggett endorses Jealous, but says he won’t campaign against Hogan
I will be the first to admit the Post's coverage of MD politics has felt slanted towards Hogan and try to sow discord within our party. However, the facts are there. A bunch of former MD democrats endorsed Hogan. You'd NEVER see the republicans do something like this. If you don't like Jealous, fine, keep your mouth shut, but don't give the republicans ammo. Same with Ike, did he really have to say "I'm not campaigning against Hogan"?
I don't think Jealous is running a good campaign either, but it looks like they aren't getting any support from either our state committees or national. When I went out door knocking a month ago, we didn't even have any material to hand out for Jealous. We had tons of local candidate material.
Hogan is popular because he is taking credit for things the democratically controlled state legislature passed. How hard is it for the democrats to go out and toot their own horn? We need to go on the offensive, because I feel that the republicans are gaining traction in normally Democratic strongholds. Look at Howard County (where I'm at). Hopefully we can kick Kittleman to the curb, but he might ride Hogan's coattails just like last time.
Again, apologies, and I will admit my "old white guy" comment was not proper. I am just frustrated that we might be missing out on the blue wave this year in MD because our state party can't get out a common message against Hogan. We are on the same side NurseJackie and I hope we have a good night in a couple weeks! At least I got some discussion going in the MD forum
(42,862 posts)

George II
(67,782 posts)Gothmog
(159,599 posts)Cha
(308,370 posts)

(58,785 posts)been raised unfortunately high by media who've been pushing the notion of a national socialist wave based on a handful of local primary wins. My husband and I are older, true, and don't chat with a lot of young people, but I've literally never talked to anyone who believed it was happening in any numbers that would make it politically viable nationally. This kind of media gas gets generated every election and always favors "new" over old.
So no doubt you're hardly the only one wondering why local pols who campaigned for that vote aren't doing better against strong, popular "old" pols. I read that Democrats in a recent poll chose Jealous by 10 points, 48%, while 38% favored Hogan. Republicans 91% for Hogan, btw.
All I can suggest is to use this election to identify some honest and reliable reporters in MD. Truth trumps everything else.
George II
(67,782 posts)That's not "fractured". The fact that the Democratic candidate for Governor isn't doing well might be a reflection on the candidate, not the state party.
Add to that the fact that the incumbent republican governor is extremely popular with all voters in Maryland (he currently has a 60% approval rating among DEMOCRATS!). On several issues he's bucked trump and, to be honest, acts more like a Democrat than a republican.
(42,862 posts)You make valid points and explained them very well. My personal opinion is that the Ben Jealous campaign made a big mistake when it tried to embrace New England style far-left politics that (as we see) aren't playing very well throughout our beautiful state. Such things may have motivated far-left primary voters in sufficient numbers to win the nomination, but when it comes to the General Election, there just aren't enough of them to make a big enough difference. I think everyone can agree that by and large, all things considered, Maryland STATEWIDE elections are won by TAKING THE CENTER.
There are many examples that illustrate how appealing to the fringe (or pandering to extreme partisans... on either side) is not a recipe for success. Even Governor Hogan knows and understands that. HOGAN IS WINNING because he's pulling-in Maryland voters from the center of the political spectrum: Republicans, Independents AND Democrats.
I'm just not seeing that type of broad support for Ben Jealous... he's not able to energize or excite the wide swathe of voters that are needed to win. Of course, the "base" of the Democratic party will vote for him (myself included). But that's because we are THE BASE, meaning we ALWAYS vote, we ONLY support Democrats, and we are CONSISTENT AND RELIABLE. Hogan, on the other hand, is able to appeal to the "soft-Democrats" and to the Independents who register as Democrats so that they can have a stronger voice in local elections.
As most people understand, there's only SO MUCH that the state party can do for a political novice like Ben Jealous. All things considered, he's done well for someone's first attempt at winning a statewide election. But in the end, only HE can "bring it home".
WINNER: Best US State Flag!
Very valid points and I wonder what interactions have happened between Jealous campaign and state officials. Maybe Jealous has ignored all advice? I agree he hasn't been very good in public appearances and getting his message out. I know he has a stuttering issue which shouldn't make a difference but we live in a world where politics is a popularity contest.
I was hoping Ken Ulman would run but it seems like he has left politics and gone into the private sector. Too bad.
(1,060 posts)My fear is that with another Hogan win the republicans will remain energized and start making gains into the majorities we have held. As I said up thread I believe Hogan's popularity is because he is out there taking credit for things the democrats proposed and passed in the state house.
Democrats need to get out there and set the record straight and call out Hogan on things like the Environment. He STILL uses the "rain tax" in his ads. How hard would it be for the democrats to come out with an ad showing downtown Ellicott City, and the other places that have been hit hard by flooding the past couple years and point out the "rain tax" is meant to improve our storm water and prevent things like that from happening. Again, the republicans came up with a catchy name and we didn't rebut.
(308,370 posts)elleng
(138,712 posts)no fracture apparent.
Sorry if we here aren't active enough for you; I post when I see relevant items.
(1,060 posts)To be honest I sort of forgot DU had the regional forums. I'll try and be more active myself.
I wouldn't think Ike and Rushern would have any fracture, it was more between them and Ben. Also the whole independent challenge from Nancy Floreen makes me scratch my head. I don't live in MoCo so haven't been following it closely, but it doesn't seem smart to run two democrats at the same time. She should have participated in the primary if she wanted to run.
What show on MPT talks about local politics? In Howard really my only source is blogs and the Baltimore Sun, since the Post doesn't really cover us.
(138,712 posts)I think it's weekly. Will try to remember!
As to Ike and Ben, Ike explained he doesn't want to speak against Hogan as they have a good working relationship, and MoCo needs state cooperation, so it's a tactical thing. Ike thinks its an obligation to endorse Ben. He said nothing against Ben.
I vote in MoCo, but live mostly in Calvert, and don't have a clue about Floreen.
(138,712 posts)and it's on WHUT. On NOW, he's interviewing someone else, Etan Thomas, former NBA player.