RNC Lawsuit Demands Michigan Election Clerks Reject Certain Absentee Ballots
The Republican National Committee (RNC) and Michigan Republican Party are again taking aim at Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson for not instructing election clerks to reject certain absentee ballots.
Tuesday’s lawsuit is the second state court complaint this month from the RNC over guidance Benson issued to local clerks in February. An earlier complaint alleges Benson’s instruction on signature verification runs afoul of state law.
The latest complaint centers on the numbered, perforated stub attached to absentee ballots and how clerks should process ballots with numbers that don’t match the corresponding number in poll books.
The plaintiffs say the stubs matter because Michigan law requires clerks and election inspectors to “reject absent voter ballots where the stub is missing or the number on the stub does not match the number in the poll book or on the ballot return envelope.”