MI-HD44: Hand recount to begin Dec. 9 for state House election in Battle Creek
LANSING — A hand recount of all ballots cast in a key state House race will begin Dec. 9, a spokeswoman for the Michigan Secretary of State's Office said Wednesday.
The recount for the 44th House District is scheduled to take up to four days to complete, Samantha May said. It will be held at the Marshall United Methodist Church in Marshall, starting at 9 a.m. on Dec. 9, and be conducted by the Board of State Canvassers, which has two Democratic members and two Republican members. Marshall is the county seat of Calhoun County, where the 44th House District is located.
Official results show Republican Steve Frisbie beat incumbent State Rep. Jim Haadsma, a Democrat, by 61 votes, out of more than 41,000 votes cast. Both candidates are residents of Battle Creek. Frisbie's apparent victory gives Republicans a 58-52 majority in the state House.
Haadsma, who was first elected to the House in 2018, requested the recount on Monday. His attorney, Chris Trebilcock, said it is common to request a recount when an election result is this close.