Whitmer signs bills banning firearms at Michigan polling locations
Bills making it illegal to possess a gun at polling locations in Michigan have been signed into law.
House Bills 4127, sponsored by state Rep. Penelope Tsernoglou (D-East Lansing), and 4128, sponsored by Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit), were signed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Tuesday, effectively banning the open carry of firearms on an Election Day or while in-person early voting is being conducted within polling places and within 100 feet from the entrance of a building that is acting as a polling place.
Open carry is also banned for the 40 days before an election when individuals can vote with an absentee ballot by dropping it off at a ballot drop box or at a local clerk’s office or satellite office.
Whitmer’s office said the bills build on the administration’s “commitment to defending fair and free elections by reducing the threat of voter intimidation and suppression.”