If voters approve child care tax in St. Paul, Mayor Melvin Carter says he won't implement it
St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter on Monday said even if voters approve a ballot question authorizing the city to levy property taxes to make child care more affordable, he won’t do it.
He said there is no way the plan can do what the ballot language promises — at least, not for the $20 million per year the city would levy when the plan is fully mature. Saying the true cost of providing free child care to thousands of low-income families is closer to $110 million per year, Carter said he would either have to shrink the number of eligible children or dramatically increase the program’s funding.
“We’re asking voters if they want to buy a brand new Corvette for 30 bucks,” Carter said during a news briefing in his office Monday afternoon. “Like, yes, I do. I want to buy a brand new Corvette for 30 bucks. I can’t buy a brand new Corvette for 30 bucks.”
Because the ballot question only “authorizes” a special property tax levy and doesn’t require or automatically certify one, Carter said he is under no obligation to enact or collect the new levy.