No background checks, misspending and an 'adults only' party--Holmes County schools
No background checks, misspending and an adults only party: State auditor report alleges widespread problems in Holmes Co. schools
The state auditors office earlier this month uncovered extensive misspending and poor financial management and record keeping in the Holmes County Consolidated School District.
The audit of the district revealed 25 total findings, including that taxpayers footed the bill for a B.Y.O.B., adults only party that cost $4,200, and that the former superintendent was paid $170,000 annually even though minutes from the board meeting the board approved a salary of $160,000.
The report also said the district paid $14,000 to businesses owned by relatives of James Henderson, the superintendent at the time, and that the relationships were not disclosed to the board.
This audit reveals widespread problems, said Mississippi State Auditor Shad White in a press release. The public school students of Holmes County and the taxpayers are the victims here.
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