Zinke's financial disclosure shows assets worth up to more than $30 million
A financial disclosure filing by U.S. House candidate Ryan Zinke on Monday shows assets worth up to $32.5 million and that he earned more than $800,000 in income in one year.
Zinke filed the disclosure on Monday after missing an earlier deadline and claiming he was not required to file the disclosure for months. Financial disclosure statements are required of any candidate running for Congress and any campaign that reaches more than $5,000 in fundraising within 30 days of hitting that mark, which Zinke met sometime between July and September.
The disclosures also only require the candidate to report their assets and liabilities in broad ranges — putting Zinke’s total assets somewhere between $7.6 million and $32.5 million and his liabilities between $1.3 million and $5.6 million.
Monday’s filing shows a significant increase in combined asset value compared to a 2018 public financial disclosure report filed by Zinke. In 2018, he reported between $800,000 and $1.8 million in assets, not including a family trust valued at more than $1 million.
Read more: https://www.greatfallstribune.com/story/news/2021/12/04/zinkes-financial-disclosure-shows-assets-worth-more-than-30-million/8870157002/