Nebraska Has A Right Wing Internet Troll Problem
Candidates like Amiee Melton win, sit on the Omaha City Council for a decade without a single accomplishment, and the shitposters chalk up another victory. But Nebraska loses. The talent and skill of good candidates is wasted, nothing changes in the political arena, Democratic voters squabble about why their candidate didnt succeedblaming one anotherand Republican voters dont even know their own political party thinks so poorly of them that they can lie to them endlessly with impunity. Lets talk about that.
In the most recent election, the Omaha municipal, a hateful gang of Young Republicans focused all of their attention on Sara Kohen, a political newcomer, distinguished lawyer, mother, and Observant Jew. When Kohen tied eight-year incumbent Aimee Melton in the primary, they immediately went extremely negative and personal, attacking Kohen and her family, and lying to the electorate about her positions and her spouses positions (who was not running for office). Kohens positions were clearly articulated in local press and on her own social media posts, but that didnt make any difference because the lies are more effective than anything else the Melton campaign could produce. Below is just a sample of the harassment and that these young shitposters sent Sara Kohens way.
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