Las Vegas airport rids itself of a crummy name
I believe that this nation is the last hope of Western civilization and if this oasis of the world shall be overrun, perverted, contaminated or destroyed, then the last flickering light of humanity will be extinguished….we have in the United States today hard-core, indigestible blocs which have not become integrated into the American way of life, but which, on the contrary are its deadly enemies. Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain.”
No, that’s not a recent fundraising email from the Nevada Republican Party.
The quote is from the Congressional Record, attributed to former Nevada Sen. Pat McCarran in 1953. McCarran was defending the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952.
President Harry Truman had earlier commissioned a report on immigration that recommended replacing long-standing nation-based quotas, a formula that favored white western Europeans, with an immigration system that recognized realities such as reuniting families and workforce demands.
The McCarran-Walter Act, which passed over Truman’s veto, kept the national, i.e., race-based quotas.
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