$500K 'Big Idea Challenge' aims to improve Nevada education system
Two major Nevada foundations are calling for transformative ideas to solve the state’s problems in education — and are willing to award half a million dollars to fund them.
The Andre Agassi Foundation for Education and the Engelstad Foundation will give winners of a three-phased contest up to $500,000 to solve one question: “Who has an idea for improving Nevada’s educational landscape?”
“Nevada is where I was born and where I’m proud to call home,” Andre Agassi, founder of The Andre Agassi Foundation for Education, said in a statement announcing the contest. “This is our appeal to those out there who have an idea, innovation or concept that can strengthen our education system.”
A recent national report by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ranked the Las Vegas region as second-worst for school quality among the nation’s 50 largest metro areas. Other reports consistently put Nevada and the Las Vegas area as among the worst in the nation for education and other child well-being standards.
Read more: https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/education/500k-big-idea-challenge-aims-to-improve-nevada-education-system-2514834/