Sisolak wants to study free community college in Nevada
Gov. Steve Sisolak has set aside $5 million in federal pandemic money toward finding ways to make community college and apprenticeship training programs free for more Nevadans.
Sisolak announced that plan in his State of the State address, handing the job to the Workforce Development Committee and asking that panel to come up with a plan by 2025. He said the commitment expands the existing programs, including the Nevada Promise Scholarship.
The Promise Scholarship allows certain high school graduates to attend community college at a substantially reduced cost.
In a statement, he said the American Rescue Plan money will “kick start” initial recommendations from the committee.
“We know that skills training is essential to our workers and businesses,” he said. “A high school education isn’t enough and we should recognize that it’s no longer preschool through grade 12 but at least preschool through community college or other post-high school training.”
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