Nevada Democrats continue to push against secret plutonium shipment
Democratic lawmakers sent a joint letter to the Department of Energy seeking additional information on the transport of one-half metric ton of weapons-grade plutonium to Nevada.
The letter comes a day after a federal judge denied a request by Nevada officials for a temporary restraining order against the federal government to prevent further plutonium shipments to the state.
In the letter lawmakers urge the DOE and its National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to provide greater transparency surrounding the shipment of plutonium to Nevada National Security Site, located 65 miles outside of Las Vegas. It asks for a detailed timeline of the shipment, including the shipments route and all states the plutonium traveled through, and a report of future shipments of hazardous material and projects involving the security site.
Lawmakers also asked for more information on when the material would be removed to Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, or other facilities, demanding all requested information be delivered to their offices no later than Feb. 10.
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