Medicaid work rule now in effect
June 1 was a red-letter day for more than 50,000 New Hampshire residents who get their medical coverage from the expanded Medicaid program, known as Granite Advantage Health Care.
That’s when a new work or community engagement program kicked in, requiring anyone covered by Medicaid through Granite Advantage to complete 100 hours of work or approved community activities each month to maintain medical coverage, unless they are exempt due to medical frailty or other circumstances listed in the law.
Republicans reluctantly agreed to the Granite Advantage program last year, under the condition that a work requirement be instituted for able-bodied adults up to age 64 in the program, and Democrats went along.
With Democrats in the majority this year, they are working to basically revoke the work requirement by amending it through a bill, SB 290, that among other things would terminate the requirement if more than 500 people lose coverage.
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