GOP leaders promise campaign fund for Right-to-Work supporters
CONCORD — In a last-minute effort to sway wavering House Republicans to vote in favor of Right-to-Work legislation, the chairman of the state Republican Party on Wednesday pledged to create a campaign fund to reelect representatives who support the bill.
While not saying the party would field primary opponents or finance opposition to Republicans who vote against Right-to-Work, state GOP Party Chair Jeanie Forrester made it clear that those members would be bucking the party platform.
She was surrounded by House Republican leadership and several supportive state representatives at the Legislative Office Building during a news conference designed to send a clear message to rank-and-file House members, who will vote on the bill today.
With another snowstorm on the way, House Majority Leader Dick Hinch said the outcome of the vote depends entirely on how many of the 400 representatives make their way to the State House.
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