New Jersey Young Democrats Endorse 61 Candidates for 2021 Election
Trenton, NJ – This election season, the New Jersey Young Democrats (NJYD) is proud to endorse 61 Democratic candidates through the age of 40.
“I am thrilled to see the number of young people running for office this election season. Young Democrats are stepping up and ready to lead throughout the garden state and it is our job to uplift and support their efforts,” said NJYD President Fatima Heyward. “Now is the time to speak out and take action. We cannot afford to go backward. Our endorsed candidates recognize that and are working hard to bring about real change. ”
NJYD endorsements were open to all Democratic candidates through the age of 40 that completed the endorsement application and submitted it by the September deadline.
“Each year, the list of NJYD endorsees grows and this year is no exception. We are so excited to endorse this diverse group of candidates. Electing young people to more positions is crucial to the Democratic Party and to moving forward. This strong list will do just that, up and down the state of NJ. With 2021 being such a crucial year for the State of NJ, it is more important than ever to get out and vote for the people on this list and Democrats up and down the ballot this November, ” said NJYD Executive Vice President Brian Boyell.
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