Will West Windsor voters ditch their nonpartisan elections?
As voters across the country choose candidates with a D or R next to their names, West Windsor residents are voting to decide whether to let their local candidates run under a party banner.
The Mercer County town counts itself as one of the about 20% of New Jersey municipalities still operating nonpartisan local elections, according to a pro-nonpartisan group. Depending on who you ask, the nonpartisan system is either a “political oasis” amid rising partisan tensions or an “unclear” and “dated” system that leaves voters in the dark.
On Nov. 5, residents will vote on a referendum to determine whether West Windsor will keep its status as a nonpartisan town or switch to partisan elections and add a June primary. The reform wouldn’t change the town’s form of government, but it could bolster opportunities for Democrats in a town where Republicans account for about 12% of the electorate.
In the buildup to the referendum, two rivaling organizations have formed, each insisting that they are the true proponents of transparency, voter empowerment, and grassroots engagement.