Sandoval County assessor accused of skipping work
Sandoval County commissioners say the assessor, Tom Garcia (R), isn't showing up for work. Commissioner Jay Block brought up the topic in a May 3 meeting saying "I don't think the public is getting their money's worth out of an elected official who doesn't show up."
Block says this started after hearing rumors about the assessor's absence. "When you're getting paid about $75,000 a year and your benefits put you over $100,000 a year, and you're not doing the job, I think the taxpayers would have a problem with that," Block said. Block told KOAT he tried reaching out to Garcia in April but hadn't heard back.
Target 7 sent public records requests to see if we could find evidence of Garcia's recent work. Every time an employee enters the Sandoval County Assessor's Office, they have to swipe a key card to unlock the door. We requested records of the amount of times Garcia used his key card.
The entry sheets are mostly blank, showing that even if Garcia was doing work, he hasn't swiped into his county office since May 1 of last year. Documents show he's used his card just twice in 2017. KOAT also requested Garcia's work emails and found he's only sent two emails so far this year.
Target 7 tried to get in touch with Garcia for several days. He never answered his office phone and wasn't at his office when KOAT stopped by. Tuesday morning, Garcia left us a voicemail message saying he hasn't done anything criminal but wouldn't answer our questions.
The County Commission will now review Garcia's cellphone usage, emails, and key card logins at a May 17 meeting before deciding what to do next.