State of the Union -- Meow Wolf union attempts to garner online support as contract remains unsigned
Meow Wolf union attempts to garner online support as contract remains unsigned and anti-union language appears in job listing
The social media posts started popping up last week in the lead-up to Labor Day.
In text-heavy images on Instagram spearheaded by the Meow Wolf Workers Collective, members urge the public to respectfully approach the company’s top brass through social media channels to express dismay over what the union considers stalling.
The collective represents workers for the Santa Fe-based arts corporation. It was approved as an affiliate of the Communication Workers of America by Meow Wolf employees last October.
As it stands, they say in the posts, Meow Wolf’s office of the CEO (or OCEO, composed of dual CEOs Ali Rubinstein and Carl Christensen) have continually balked at negotiations or pushed back bargaining meetings, and neither party has agreed on a contract.
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(Santa Fe Reporter)