Diversion Authority seeks industry coalition to build 36-mile channel around Fargo-Moorhead
FARGO — The Diversion Authority is looking for contractors to build an estimated $763 million diversion channel around the Fargo-Moorhead area.
Board members agreed Thursday, July 14, to issue a "request for qualifications," seeking industry partners to take on one of the key components of the $2.2 billion flood protection project.
Partners would be responsible for building, operating and maintaining the 36-mile channel, with the Diversion Authority and local governments repaying them over time. Known as a P3, public-private partnership, this method of financing a public works project is expected to be more efficient than the stop-and-go nature of federal funding.
Diversion Authority Attorney John Shockley, who helped draft the RFQ, told the group he expects eight to 10 industry consortiums to apply based on inquiries. A group of engineers and other technical staff appointed by the authority board would vet the qualifications and narrow the list to four finalists, he said.
Read more: http://www.inforum.com/news/4074280-diversion-authority-seeks-industry-coalition-build-36-mile-channel