North Dakota must claim Missouri River water for project, or risk losing it, official says
FARGO — An official warns that other states including areas afflicted by the western megadrought are interested in diverting Missouri River water and North Dakota risks losing its water permits if it’s too slow to secure its claims.
Duane DeKrey, manager of the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District, which is overseeing the $1.3 billion Red River Valley Water Supply Project, said that risk as well as the cost of inflation are among reasons he will ask for speeding up construction of the project, which will carry Missouri River water to the Red River Valley.
Construction is progressing on the intake structure in Washburn for the 167-mile pipeline, and the discharge structure, which empties into the Sheyenne River south of Cooperstown, is complete.
But so far only 1.2 miles of pipeline, near Carrington, have been installed. Plans call for building 4.5 miles this year and another 4.5 next year, or a little more than 10 miles or 5.9% of the total distance, DeKrey said.
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