Related: About this forumTownhall meeting to stop the TPP in Cleveland THU APR 23, 2015
Sorry for the late notice!
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Townhall meeting to stop the TPP (Cleveland)
Event Date: Thursday, April 23, 2015 - 6:00pm
Event Location: Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
2230 Euclid Avenue
44115 Cleveland , OH
Join the CWA, Ohio AFL CIO, ProgressOhio, and other Progressive issue advocacy groups as we fight to stop this secret trade deal from sending more of our jobs overseas!
We will be discussing and providing key information about, among other things, the 10 major ways that the passage of the TPP would hurt U.S. working families.
Critical issues with the TPP that we will discuss include:
-Offshoring jobs
-Limiting the sovereignty of our court system
-Lowering worker wages and benefits
-Eroding collective bargaining rights
-Bypassing environmental safeguards
-Messing with food safety standards
-Prohibiting state and federal govts. from giving preference to American-made goods and services
More info:
ACTION ALERT: Stop the TPP Fast Track Attempt
Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) - IP Chapter
Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) - Investment Chapter
Bernie Sanders: TPP Trade Deal a Disaster
"Not So Fast" - A leading opponent of the trade deal, Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday did his best to slow down the process by at least temporarily shutting down a committee hearing called to consider the fast-track bill. "I think it's time we slowed down fast track," Sanders said. "It is basically insane to keep going with the same type of trade policy that has failed and failed and failed."
VIDEO HERE: http://www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/recent-business/not-so-fast
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Trinity Cathedral is at Euclid Ave & E 22nd across from Cleveland State. Take the RTA Health Line or FREE parking available off Prospect Ave. Please try to make this meeting and bring yer friends, family, even those teabag relatives and acquaintances! Doors at 5:30 pm, meeting at 6:00 pm.
If you can't be there, read some of the links above and then CALL yer congresscritters!
Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) PHONE 202-224-2315 FAX 202-228-6321
Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) PHONE 202-224-3353 FAX 202-224-9075
All OH House Reps here:
See you there Thursday!
imbillorightsmanandiapprovethismessage in CLE OH

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