Del City Man Accused Of Threatening To Blow Up OSHA Building In Oklahoma City
Del City Man Accused Of Threatening To Blow Up OSHA Building In Oklahoma City
Thursday, January 13th 2022, 5:15 pm
By: Jennifer Pierce
DEL CITY, Oklahoma - Current COVID mandates pushed a Del City man to the edge, according to his family. Del City police arrested 53-year-old James Moore on Wednesday after co-workers reported hearing him make threatening remarks about blowing up a federal building in Oklahoma City. ... The Del City resident was jailed on a terrorist hoax complaint.
The report came to Del City police Wednesday afternoon from Moore’s place of employment near Southeast 29th Street and Bryant Avenue. ... Police said co-workers reported that Moore was angry over COVID-19 mandates.
“His doctor knew, his doctor tried to work with me,” Moore’s ex-wife said. “Del City police were reported to, as well. I guess yesterday was the breaking point.” ... Moore's ex-wife was at the police department Thursday as he was transported to the Oklahoma County Detention Center. She said the threat not only put Moore behind bars but caused him to lose his job of 30 years.
“He needs help mentally, he’s at a breaking point,” Moore’s ex-wife said. “He lost it. He just snapped.” ... Moore's bond was set at $500,000. Del City police said they planned to turn its investigation over to the FBI.