Related: About this forumEllen Rosenblum For OR Atty General
There are Two Registered Dems running for Oregon's Attorney General Position.
One is For "the people". Ellen is an Oregonian. She schooled here, worked here and raised her children here. She understands Oregons issues, she has progressive ideas to take our state forward. She is tough yet fair.
Her opponant, Dwight Holton was born and raised in VA. He grew up in a very conservative state. His father served as VA Gov as a republican.
He has moved forward with very strict laws that control society and at times these laws went against the peoples wishes and the majority electorate.
Mr Holton is wrong for Oregon. I look at who backs him and where the bulk of his out of state funding comes from.
The choice is clear for most: Either we want to move Oregon forward or do we want to Keep the status quo that has created the mess we find ourselves in today?
I want change. Electing a candidate like Ellen Rosenblum Definitely will help us achieve our goal(s).
Ellen Rosenblum Serves Oregonians-Dwight Holton serves his Special Interests and the "ordinary Oregonian" is not part of that club.
Two Most Excellent Articles outlining the factual realities of their differences:
"Why The Oregon Attorney General Race Has National Implications For Marijuana Laws"
"Pot Foe Dwight Leans Right but he's Not Right"

Jim Greig
(1 post)The recent KAYU poll shows Ellen is almost a 2 to 1 favorite. Clearly Oregon voters are voting for Ellen Rosenblum. <http://www.katu.com/politics/KATU-Poll-Rosenblum-far-ahead-Holton-in-AG-race-151043865.html>
(5,376 posts)Dropped off my ballot yesterday. I couldn't link to the usnews.com article you posted, but I'm guessing "the mess we find ourselves in today" refers to marijuana. There are other issues that concern me as a long-time Oregonian, which a progressive legislature could fix, but rather than getting into those, I'll just mention that three days ago I signed the petition to put the legalize marijuana measure on the ballot. Holton can sound pretty reasonable, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Ellen wins. I also wish Kevin Mannix would stop putting forward those measures that result in us funding his buddies who build ever more prisons to be filled with minor offenders. Just sayin...
Best wishes from East of the Cascades.
(4,458 posts)ourselves in reaches far and beyond just matters of Cannabis-but the issue/governance Of Cannabis is definitely an integral part of why we are in this mess.
Just a few of the issues"
Civil liberties
Fiscal responsibility
Employing a Common Sense Strategy using a Factual and Science based approach to all matters that ordinary folks (Oregonians) care about-Womens Rights, DwD, Minority Rights, Marriage Equality, our Environment, Schools etc.
I believe Ellen is not only the best candidate to address Oregon Issues, but she will do so in a way that Benefits Oregonians as opposed to governing for "the good ol boys" trying to keep the momentum of the status quo going.
I want change and I want our elected officials Available to the Public they serve. What we currently have fails this test.
In the face of the War on Women, the fact that she is a Woman is simply icing on the cake
Vote Rosenblum for OR AG.
(5,376 posts)But Oregon isn't exactly the same Oregon I was proud to call my own for so many years. Regarding Marriage Equality, refer to Measure 36 which passed in 2004, making same-sex marriage illegal via a constitutional amendment. With the current makeup of the Legislature, it's surprising anything beneficial is happening re the environment, minority rights, schools, etc. The Koch Brothers gave campaign funds to one republican running for the House over here in Central Oregon (wanting to unseat yet another republican), and another R legislator is proud to head ALEC in our state. I'm grateful we have Governor Kitzhaber running things (imagine if Dudley had won!), and as I said, I've already voted for Ellen. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Peter DeFazio keeps his seat in Congress, and dismayed that my Rep, Walden, is who he is. But I'm keeping the faith that the State Legislative races put an end to the quagmire that currently exists and I can be proud of Oregon again, before all the progress and forward-thinking policies that make it so special have slipped away. If you're west of the Cascades, you've got a much better shot at making that happen that your neighbors to the east. We're counting on you!
(14,860 posts)I have a neighbor who still has their Dudley yard sign.
(4,458 posts)Is your neighbor is still waiting for election results?
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)Are you citing all that as an argument for supporting the much more conservative candidate in the primary?
If so, that would only possibly be a valid point if there was going to be a Republican candidate for AG on the fall ballot. But there won't be(for some reason, the 'pugs in Oregon gave up even trying to elect anybody to the job years ago, from what I've heard).
It's not like it's going to hurt Dems in the fall if Rosenblum gets the job by acclimation in May.
(5,376 posts)I'm pretty familiar with how state government works (or sometimes doesn't). I've seen agencies held hostage, kept from carrying out the laws by legislators who didn't like the laws previous legislators passed. The AG is tasked with the job of interpreting and enforcing the laws in sometimes controversial ways. Consider Kroger's decision to release all PERS retirees' incomes and work history to the public. As a PERS retiree, I didn't much like that one, worked to keep it from happening, but Kroger's decision was upheld by the court. For that reason alone, I wasn't sorry to see him go. Not sure how Rosenblum or Holton would have ruled, never got an answer to that, but whatever it was, my opinion was that Ellen is the better choice. My career spanned several gubernatorial administrations, and Barbara Roberts aside, I was always glad to see a Dem in office.
Not real clear why you think I was supporting Holton, but I definitely did not. Keeping my fingers crossed Ellen wins today. We'll know soon!
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)More than anything else, I was just having trouble figuring out where you were going to the post I originally responded to.
My apologies for any sense that I was saying something pejorative about you.
(5,376 posts)Perhaps I didn't express myself too well in the post you replied to. As a writer, I obsess on clarity, but don't always hit the mark. Whatever, guess the bottom line this morning is--Ellen won! Yay!
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)Perhaps she could be a contender for governor or maybe U.S. Senator (I'd like to see her challenge Wyden in the primary...his insistence on watering down HCR was unforgiveable) a little ways down the line.
Have a nice Wednesday.