Related: About this forumDeceptive "Women's Voters Guide" from Republican front group
The Oregon Transformation Project was founded by Republicans. For this mailer, they assembled a panel of five women. Two are ostensibly Democrats, although one describes herself as fiscally conservative and the other says she votes "Republican locally but Democrat nationally." This is supposed to provide the group an appearance of bipartisanship, but on closer inspection is tilted in favor of Republicans. Case in point: the Democrats they recommend are likely to win no matter what. And our female Secretary of State Kate Brown is being targeted for elimination based on an allegation:
"Kate has made some questionable moves. She sponsored legislation that could jeopardize the integrity of our vote-by-mail system by allowing the retention of blank ballots (HB 2256), and she changed an election date which favored a fellow Democrat in a non-partisan race. Challenger Knute Buehler promises to be non-partisan and remove even the perception of fishy business that lingers over Brown's office."
First off, why would a SoS or anyone else worry about which party won a non-partisan race? Second, I seriously doubt a blank ballot could be used to hack an Oregon election with all our safeguards. Oh, but there's a lot of pink on the mailer, so I guess I'll go along with what they say. WTF, do they think we're stupid?
In all, the mailer recommends 56 Republicans vs. 31 Democrats. And we're supposed to believe this is better for women?
My suspicion is the Republicans are trying to knock Kate Brown out of Secretary of State on trumped-up charges so they can compromise and eliminate our successful vote-by-mail system.

(6,913 posts)I figured that out from listening to Lars.
I think they want a S of S who will ignore bad/phony signatures on initiatives so they can get more anti-tax and abortion crap on the ballot.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)Y'know..."Buehler...Buehler...Buehler...Buehler..."?
(173 posts)I sat down this morning to vote with our mail in ballot. I assembled the Voter Guide from the State, the Oregonian endorsements and my notes from a meeting two weeks ago by the League of Women Voters at a Forum I sponsored.
I also saved a copy of the Woman's Voter Guide which came in the mail that I didn't read but put it in the stack of our other bits of information. My initial reaction was that it was from the League of Women's Voters group.
When I read the bios of the five women that are on their panel and scanned through their recommendations, I simply tore it up.
It is a slick piece of propaganda by the Republican party. Didn't fool me or my wife and I hope it doesn't fool too many others.
The fist recommendation on the bottom of the front page was for Knute Buehler (R) who has been besieging the radio with ads against Kate Brown. So it's pretty obvious who is sponsoring this colorful, shiny, large mailer.
We voted a straight Democrat ticket as we always have.
Thanks for pointing this out. And I agree wholeheartedly.....WTF, do they think we're stupid!
(15,253 posts)Let's hope no one is fooled and several are outraged by this and the Republicans' attempts at deception, suppression and unlawful destruction of voter registration forms.
(19,537 posts)Read my post in the other thread... For an example on some of the Buehler ads I've seen in DU, Blue Oregon, Daily Kos, and even on Brad Blog, here are three of them I ran across...
As I noted in another thread, Republicans are targeting another goal with SOS for Buehler. They want to have a Repug next in line should Kitzhaber leave the governorship, for whatever reason...