Related: About this forumI love Oregon's vote by mail system, but...
I really miss getting that "I Voted" sticker to wear around.
Chalk another vote cast for President Obama and Congressman Peter DeFazio!

(50,130 posts)Why don't they put that sticker inside the ballot envelope? Nobody is going to actually use the sticker who didn't bother to vote.
I want one now!
(2,795 posts)part of the sticker ink has rubbed off on the ballot over Romney's check box. There is some question if the ballot reader might see the shadow over the Romney check box and cause some confusion or to kick it out.
Who knows if it was just a simple error or a strategically placed sticker on a ballot
(320 posts)My county included the sticker. No marks at all on the ballot. The sticker "faced" the inside of the envelope and not any of its content.
(320 posts)Mail-in ballots here in CO come with a little "I voted" sticker for you.
(2,795 posts)Maybe I can grab one and wear one when I drop it off at the courthouse.
(4,074 posts)Yes, this Oregon wide vote by mail using paper ballots is nice. I miss the being with one's community standing in line at the polling place.
However, apart from a few overbearing someones in a household dictating votes (and what, taking over the election results?), some of today's voter intimidation tactics and dirty tricks won't work in Oregon. Groups like 'true the vote' don't get to be in the faces of hundreds or more, only their surly spouse.
(46,179 posts)carving time out of my already too long and busy day to stand in line with strangers to cast a vote.
I love voting from home.
(5,376 posts)Not too concerned about the "I Voted" sticker, and to be honest, it's been so long since vote by mail started, I honestly don't remember the stickers.
Wish I could vote for Peter. Contribute to his campaign but don't live in his district. Stuck with Greg Walden, who I never vote for, but to no avail.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Knute Buehler doesn't win Secy of State. He'd like to do away with vote-by-mail. Hope we get a vote on that!
Blue Belle
(5,912 posts)That must make your skin crawl that he's your rep.
(5,376 posts)Many years ago, I worked for a state agency on whose advisory committee Greg served. Found him to be intelligent, thoughtful and concerned about Oregon's future. How things have changed. Guess maybe all that time inside the Beltway takes a toll!
(3,522 posts)Carl Wolfson on KPOJ interviewed him this morning and asked him directly if he was going to touch our vote-by-mail system. He answered "No." Do you know where the info came from that he would change it? Did he say so earlier and has back-tracked?
(5,376 posts)Knute Buehler said to The Oregonian that there are “…thousands of ballots floating around in various locations during the process. There are concerns about undue pressure to vote, because you don't have the privacy of a polling booth.” He has also "raised concerns" about voter fraud, IMO a non-issue in Oregon.
My own thought is, Knute has taken shape-shifting lessons from Mitt Romney. I received some of his campaign information (addressed to a now-deceased family member who was a republicon), and in it he stated his concerns about vote-by-mail. Perhaps he's truly changed his mind about the issue, but if he were to win the election, I have a feeling he'd change it back. To learn more about Knute and his plans for Oregon, visit www.knutebuehlerfacts.com, sponsored by the Democratic Party of Oregon. I'm disappointed at some of the endorsements Knute's received, considering the flat-out lies about Kate Brown, and can only hope he does not win. Pretty scary to think what he'll bring to the office with him!
Congrats on having voted. I've got my ballot ready to drop by the county clerk's office--taking no changes on it "floating around in various locations", as Knute seems to fear.
Hope I didn't go on too long. I always like Carl's interviews, and know it's tough when he's dealing with a flip-flopper.
(3,522 posts)Yes, I voted and it felt so good! I dropped my ballot off at my local library.
Kate Brown got my vote. It was interesting to hear some of Carl's interviews with the candidates. His interview with Bob Wolfe was funny. You could tell how annoyed he was with Bob and the questions reflected it.
(5,376 posts)He definitely has more self-control than I would with some of the "candidates" he interviews!
My husband is taking our ballots to the county courthouse this morning, so I can use the "I Voted" avatar. Gotta go figure out how to do that! Next on my list is to cancel the Bend Bulletin, which just endorsed Romney. Ugh!
(19,537 posts)... should Kitzhaber leave office before next election for whatever reason.
And there are some rumors that Obama's been considering adding Kitzhaber to his staff if he gets reelected...
You remember what happened to Arizona when Obama put Governor Napolitano on his staff in his first term? PulLEASE don't let us get messed up like Arizona did when a Republican took over for governor in that state and created many nightmares for them. We don't need that mess here. None of the governors like those of Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, etc. "advertised" the crappy things they would do later after they got elected. If Buehler is so moderate and a candidate that progressive voters here in Oregon should want, then he should either run in the Democratic primary or for another progressive party here. We need to make sure our friends support Kate Brown. She might not be perfect, but she's far better than Buehler or anyone that the Republicans could put up.