Related: About this forum10,493 Signers and Two M.C.'s Can't Be Wrong: Save Mighty KPOJ
As of now:
Save KPOJ's Facebook Community: 4,160 likes.
Signatures at http://www.savekpoj.com/: 10,493.
Signatures at http://signon.org/sign/save-kpoj-lets-bring: 5,093.
Meanwhile … likes at the Fox Sports Radio 620 FB page?
A paltry, mere, makes-me-wonder-why-they-bothered 330.
That's 330 as in one-more-than-329, and one-less-than-331
Share. Spread the word. Show Support. Save KPOJ.
Please rec this up. I never beg or ask for any of my opinions to be recced or kicked; a few have done so on my other posts, and I'm grateful for that. But we have an awesome force here, and we're only as strong as our weakest link, and right now, that's in Portland. Spread the word. Have everyone you know sign and help us be strong, and we'll be there for you when you need us.

Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)If you think so, I'd gladly do it, but I'm afraid a zip code from half a continent away would lead them to ignore my sig, & might even discredit the effort in the eyes of the management.
(332 posts)I hadn't actually thought about that. I'll be honest … I don't know. I'm at least hoping to get this recc'ed enough to keep it in everyone's awareness, and just to keep awareness about the support that KPOJ had/has/will have. Fighting the battle of hearts and minds in my own little way.
(105 posts)KPOJ also live-streamed daily. Caller's from every state listened and participated daily on Carl's show. This closure affects them also.
(3,522 posts)I'm having a hard time getting used to the idea of not listening to the radio. Although, I still listen to KINK, which I really enjoy. I miss Carl Wolfson in the morning, it was nice to hear his voice and hear local news. Glad that our reps are speaking out.