Jim DeMint coming to Bandon, OR - Oct. 14-17
Anyone want to give him a proper greeting?
WASHINGTON -- With the federal government shut down and the economy hurtling toward the debt limit deadline of Oct. 17, the architects of the Republican Party's shutdown strategy are getting ready for a plush four-day fundraiser at what Golf Digest once called the number one golf resort in America.
Yes, with Washington in chaos, Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint is scheduled to attend a major fundraiser for Heritage Action for America, the lobbying arm of DeMint's insurrectionist empire, at Oregon's Bandon Dunes Golf Resort. Heritage Action confirmed to HuffPost that the fundraiser is still on.
The invitation for the fundraiser has apparently been taken off Heritage's website, but could still be found through the website cache.
The event promises to bring together conservative leaders and members of Congress with wealthy donors to "strategize about the future of our country while navigating the challenging links of Bandon Dunes Golf Resort’s signature courses." An individual package covering all expenses for the Oct. 14-17 event costs $15,000; two people can attend for $25,000.