Raimondo, Moffit release details of 2016 tax returns
PROVIDENCE, R.I. Gov. Gina Raimondo and her husband, Andrew K. Moffit, paid a total of $162,394 in state and federal taxes last year, according to a summary of their 2016 tax returns made public on Friday.
After seeking an extension in April, the governor and First Gentleman filed a joint return this past week. Among the highlights:
‒ They paid a total of $134,916 in federal taxes an effective tax rate of 27 percent on their $493,432 adjusted gross income in 2016. (By way of comparison, their AGI was $530,325 in 2015. The reason for the drop was not immediately clear.)
‒ They paid $25,749 in Rhode Island income taxes and $1,729 in nonresident income taxes to Massachusetts, where Moffit is the director of industry learning at the management consulting firm McKinsey & Co. In that role, he is a member of a leadership team ... which delivers learning programs and capability-building opportunities to over 10,000 consultants globally, with personal responsibility for the offerings of the firms 21 Industry Practices,? according to his LinkedIn page.
Read more: http://www.providencejournal.com/news/20170901/raimondo-moffit-release-details-of-2016-tax-returns