S.C. Secessionist Party’s leader says being gay doesn’t impact his fight to preserve Confederate ...
S.C. Secessionist Party’s leader says being gay doesn’t impact his fight to preserve Confederate heritage
COLUMBIA — The founder of the South Carolina Secessionist Party says the fact that he is gay does not impact his ability to lead the group’s pursuit of honoring Confederate heritage.
James Bessenger said he had received threats from people in other Southern heritage groups about his sexuality for more than a year and decided to speak publicly about his private life Monday.
“This fact has not hindered me from founding, organizing and leading South Carolina’s most open and active Confederate heritage support organization,” Bessenger said in a statement Monday. “The idea that all homosexuals have gone wholesale over to the idiocy of the liberal and politically correct left is a myth. I hope that this will help to dispel this myth.”
Bessenger said people associate Confederate flag supporters as being racist, xenophobic and homophobic, and his existence in the movement defies that stereotype. He said there is a far right sect of Confederate heritage supporters who feel that way, but it does not represent the majority.
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