South Carolina poultry producers want bill that limits who can challenge construction of new barns
COLUMBIA — The poultry industry in South Carolina cleared one major hurdle this year in its push to restrict who can challenge the construction of new chicken and turkey barns throughout the state.
In the last week of the 2017 legislative session, the S.C. Farm Bureau, the S.C. Poultry Federation and the Palmetto Agribusiness Council were successful in advancing legislation in the House that would curtail how many property owners could challenge pending agricultural permits with the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control.
The state's agricultural industry says the legislation is needed to make it cheaper and easier to construct poultry barns. Industry officials say the current rules limit agricultural investments in the state because of the likelihood of challenges from neighboring property owners that some permit seekers face.
“What we’re trying to accomplish is to provide our growers some certainty as it relates to the permitting process,” said Gary Spires, government relations director for the Farm Bureau.
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