Related: About this forumWe have a big problem up here in DFW.
https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/07/texas-oath-keepers-adl/Two constables, four police chiefs and over 3,000 other Texans were members of the Oath Keepers, report says
A recent analysis of Oath Keepers membership rolls leaked last year found that Texas had more members of the far-right extremist group than any other state and the most who worked as elected officials, law enforcement officers or members of the military.
I say fire them ALL. Start over. Hire more minorities and people with more education and different
When you only hire hammers everything looks like a nail.

(9,294 posts)

(54,512 posts)to assume that doesn't take into account a lot of women who are suddenly changing their minds.
(476 posts)markodochartaigh
(2,426 posts)As long as Stacey Abrams is in Georgia my hopes will be high for Georgia.
(12,387 posts)And the new Republican voter nullification laws have so screwed up mail ballots that many peoples votes may not count unless they fill put those ballots and complete certain information on the envelopes. Houston alone discarded over 15,000 mail ballots for the primaries because of minor clerical errors. If that happens again in the major Democratic counties, Beto will certainly lose.
(13,913 posts)state (regardless of politics) will rise up to fight for themselves and for their daughters, grand daughters, nieces, etc. I'm hoping Beto's team is running w this new material for new ads - that under Abbott's leadership he's allowed fascists to infiltrate the state's law enforcement organizations, at every level. He himself is a fascist and the others in tx gov't as well - Dan Patrick, Ken Paxton, etc.
(9,494 posts)Abbott could be on that list. Wouldn't surprise anybody.
(38,823 posts)Of course, if the Oath Keepers was declared a terrorist organization.... that would change things. Once a bunch of these J6 guys end up in prison, their organizations could be put on the terrorist list.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)They tagged them an extreme anti-government group, don't know who could
classify them as a terrorist organization.
(54,512 posts)3000 traitors, just in Texas.
(7,930 posts)Fla comes in next and I know we have a bunch too.
Theyre like roaches down here
(8,047 posts)soldierant
(8,251 posts)CanonRay
(15,116 posts)Native
(6,988 posts)slumcamper
(1,771 posts)Go here, scroll down to map, and click on FL:
(6,988 posts)ramen
(862 posts)NJCher
(39,200 posts)Highly recommended.
I sent this all over the place, friends, relatives, etc.
(10,755 posts)Expect ALL our public servants to adhere to the OATH they take when sworn in. The problem is they bow to a warped version of an oath just like their rewritten BuyBull.
These traitors need to be fired for BREAKING the oath to protect the constitution, (So Help Me GAWD) not just for the CLUB they belong too. Being at war with democracy should damn sure be penalty enough to fire them. OATH Keepers my ass! I think these dress up soldiers run like Sadams elite forces did in Iraq when face to face with real soldiers. I mean just look at their Generals; trump, Lindsay, Flynn, Jones, and commander Bannon. Non of whom will be near any conflict or ever have. All will be under the command of Putin.
(11,692 posts)The oath is to protect and defend the constitution but they are racist, Nazis and who support a dictator. No where does the constitution support this.
It's like saying I believe the Christian Bible because I don't eat shrimp but I don't believe the Sermon on the Mount.
Wounded Bear
(61,515 posts)
Evolve Dammit
(20,265 posts)
(8,047 posts)Evolve Dammit
(20,265 posts)concretebluetwo
(114 posts)EOM
(11,692 posts)Oat eater hehe
(6,017 posts)a member of the Board of Oath Keepers went on to found the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. It's essentially Oath Keepers but just for cops, but with the same agenda, bigotry and so on.
Seditious, white supremacist, bigoted cops are a massive problem in the USA but it's so incredibly difficult to get anyone to care. Perhaps it's because the system of law enforcement is mostly built on trust, the assumption that our cops won't be bad people. But in many, many places there simply is no accountability for sheriffs or police departments. Maybe people just don't want to admit the problem exists because there is very little that can actually be done to stop it outside of state legislatures + governors rewriting the status of law enforcement in each state.
(1,402 posts)Bobstandard
(1,826 posts)Most will get to stay on, establishing a new norm for policing. You know, normalizing fascism.
Wounded Bear
(61,515 posts)Bunch of assholes who don't believe the Federal Government has any sovereignty over local politics.
(13,010 posts)For every cop known to be an actual member of the Oath Keepers, there are likely hundreds of sympathizers.
(12,676 posts)ancianita
(39,939 posts)Can't just instantly "start over." That would look not just dictatorial, it actually would be dictatorial. No current Texas governor or statehouse is going to do anything about people's constitutional right to be in "associations" unless the current Oathkeepers of TX are indicted for crimes, and even then, all these kinds of members would not be indicted, anyway.
If there's a list available to the public, then go from there. I haven't seen a single list from any news report about allegedly existing databases.
Have you seen a list of Oathkeeper member names? So until there's publicly provided evidence, I don't see why anyone should take an undocumented news report as factual, anyway.
Seriously. We do have a problem with self-declared anti-government groups, but they can't just be done away with, without due process. Even Beto can't make Oathkeepers go away. Some day it might happen that a Republican majority somewhere declares the Democratic Party a terrorist organization. Would that give them the right to round up all Democrats in their jurisdiction and indict them?
(8,047 posts)I would just bet they can find a reason to fire them. If they took an oath to be cops then
Rewrite the rules and THEN fire them. You called it due process. Then DO THE PROCESS.
Take away their rights to carry guns and vote. Like they do felons.
(39,939 posts)cannot disprove the facts as they're now presented. Or not presented here. The irony. How about YOU do the process.
You think you can just call them felons just because they're Oathkeeper members based on an "if"?
Proving criminality with evidence and time. People here like to say they should be fired as if guilt-by-association is a thing. Firing from a police force comes after an internal investigation, DA charges, etc, which hardly ever happen to police. Who rewrites what rules? Seriously?
Overall, fat chance. These people are in their positions because they were deemed qualified. Mere association with Oathkeepers isn't a crime. Vets and anyone else not sheriffs or LEO's are constitutionally free to associate with any group.
Like they say in Chicago, politics ain't bean bag. You can't just "rewrite rules," "take away" guns without proving criminality and the whole due process thing. And everyone here knows it.
(7,904 posts)The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)They are not going to get it. Fascism always loses.
Education in texass is now 43 in the nation. It is almost like they want ignorant people!!!
Education is the front line in this battle.
DJ Porkchop
(635 posts)They may not be knowable: How many *FORMER* LEO and public officials are in the ranks?
This would magnify the real threat of the embedded bigotry in our culture.
It would be a number 3x-5x what is reported as current, IMHO.
If Oath Keepers is dissolved in Texas and everywhere, there will be a new group formed, because this kind of hatred is part of the DNA of this country.
Rage Against The Machine lyrics:
Some of those that work forces
Are the same that burn crosses