Judge gives polygamous town on Utah-Arizona line 30 days to break up properties
A federal judge Wednesday ordered Colorado City, Ariz., to finish subdividing properties — a move that could lead to more polygamous sect members leaving the town.
U.S. District Judge H. Russel Holland gave the municipal government until July 28 to record what is called a subdivision plat. Effectively, Colorado City must divide town blocks into multiple parcels. That will typically mean one home per parcel.
Once the parcels are recorded with Mohave County, the trust that owns most of Colorado City's homes, called the United Effort Plan (UEP), can begin giving away or selling homes. Those homes seem likely to go to people who do not belong to the polygamous Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Colorado City and adjoining Hildale, Utah, jointly referred to as Short Creek, are home to the FLDS. Its members have largely refused to cooperate with the UEP. The municipal governments have long resisted splitting properties.
Read more: http://www.sltrib.com/news/5454278-155/judge-gives-polygamous-town-on-utah-arizona