Release: The Winooski Lays Off Only Employee

WINOOSKI – Vermont’s premiere local satire site
The Winooski has been forced to lay off its only employee. Media organizations across the state have been closing or reducing staff recently, thanks to social distancing and massive unemployment wreaking havoc with the economy. Citing low revenue from failing to sell any advertising at all, and lack off anything interesting going on other than this all-consuming quarantine,
The Winooski will now be forced to continue with zero people working on the site.
“It was a tough decision for sure,” said site founder and editor Adam Hall, when asked about the decision to lay himself off. “But, you know, with
VTDigger no longer able to publish us, and my complete lack of marketing desire or ability, it just wasn’t feasible to keep myself on any longer. I’ve been a good worker, despite the typos that do slip in from time to tome, and I hate to see myself go, but I have to homeschool my kids now, and I’m spending the majority of my time these days trying to figure out new math.”
Hall says that, without any employees, the site will have to go dark for a time, with no new articles being published. He hopes to re-hire himself in the near future, at full salary, or even double what he was making from the site previously.
“Yeah, this is going to be the last article until I rehire myself,” Hall confirmed. “Not sure when that will be. Could be this afternoon, could be this evening, but it will definitely be before tomorrow morning. I mean, I’m stuck in my house. What else am I going to do?”