Burlington City Council asks Gov. Scott to ground F-35s during coronavirus pandemic
The Burlington City Council on Monday night passed a resolution calling on Gov. Phil Scott and the Vermont congressional delegation to halt practice flights for F-35 fighter jets and divert more Vermont National Guard resources to stop the spread of coronavirus.
Citing "increased anxiety" and "intense noise associated" with F-35 training during Vermont's stay-at-home order, Council members voted 11-1 in favor of the measure.
"We ask for temporary changes in the F-35 aircrafts’ flights from the Vermont Air National 14 Guard at Burlington International Airport," the resolution said in part, "and to dedicate resources toward mitigating the local impacts of COVID-19."
COVID-19 is the official name of the disease related to the coronavirus that first started to affect people at the end of 2019.
Read more: https://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/news/2020/04/13/burlington-city-council-asks-gov-scott-ground-f-35-s-during-coronavirus-pandemic/2984661001/