Test Confirms Vermont Cellphone Coverage Remains 'Lacking'
Test Confirms Vermont Cellphone Coverage Remains 'Lacking'
Published December 16, 2022 at 7:10 p.m. | Updated December 20, 2022 at 2:06 p.m.

If cellphone service where you live is so spotty that you leave your phone at home when you're out and about, youre not alone. A new interactive map of Vermonts cellphone coverage shows that in several towns, including Calais, Woodbury, Corinth and Ripton, service is poor to nonexistent.
The interactive
maps released by the Vermont Department of Public Service on Thursday show consumers which areas of the state are covered by the six available providers. That can help people choose the service that works best for them.
It will also help phone companies know where to direct their resources, according to Corey Chase, a telecommunications infrastructure specialist at the department who led the mapping project this summer.
There are significant areas where voice service is lacking; everyone in Vermont knows that, Chase said on Thursday. This is demonstrable proof, and thats a significant 911 problem.