Related: About this forumA lawmaker was caught on tape dumping water into her colleague's bag. Jim Carroll, D-Bennington, said his district-mate, Rep. Mary Morrissey, R-Bennington, has taunted him for years with verbal harassment.
By Sarah Mearhoff
June 13, 2024, 7:54 pm

A game camera set up by state Rep. Jim Carroll in a Statehouse corridor repeatedly caught fellow Bennington Rep. Mary Morrissey in the act of pouring water from a cup into his bag of personal belongings, from April 2024. Screenshot from a video Carroll released to media this week.
A Vermont lawmaker who has admitted to and apologized for repeatedly dumping water into a colleague’s bag at the Statehouse described her behavior as “out of character,” while the targeted legislator said the episode followed years of verbal taunting.
State Rep. Mary Morrissey, R-Bennington, was twice caught on video pouring water into the bag of her district-mate, Rep. Jim Carroll, D-Bennington, in April. Carroll has said his bag was soaked almost daily at certain points in the recently concluded legislative session.
Carroll, who recorded the incidents with a video camera after seeking the Capitol Police’s assistance in identifying the culprit, released the footage publicly on Tuesday after an account of the scheme was first published by Seven Days last week.

(13,937 posts)"What a maroon."
COL Mustard
(7,237 posts)Never mind, no one knows yet. And I'm afraid we'll find out.
(11,689 posts)She is a baby bully. What an immature thing to do
I can't believe people vote for these idiots.
Mister Ed
(6,492 posts)ArkansasDemocrat1
(3,213 posts)ashredux
(2,705 posts)Think. Again.
(21,486 posts)...allow rightwingers in.
What's next, billboards?
(1,872 posts)paleotn
(20,020 posts)Are you suggesting a left leaning, authoritarian state?
In our system, it's called working to make sure they don't get reelected. That's fair, equitable and we don't have to like it.
Think. Again.
(21,486 posts)I clearly wrote that Vermont should know better than to allow rightwingers in. Yes, that clearly says I'm suggesting a left-leaning state, but adding your own fantasy about authoritarianism, which is purely rightwing by definition, to my clear statement is not appreciated.
(20,020 posts)How would that even work short of authoritarian means? Even here in VT we're not homogeneous. We just greatly outnumber Republicans statewide, but there are a number of right leaning districts. Their reps don't get seated because their Repukes? We deport all Republicans from the state? How?

As for authoritarian being purely right wing by definition, ask Pol Pot, Chairman Mao and Vladimir Lenin about that. You can easily reach authoritarian traveling in either direction, left or right.
Think. Again.
(21,486 posts)jaxexpat
(7,794 posts)a kennedy
(32,938 posts)rsdsharp
(10,522 posts)important papers, expensive electronics or mechanical items such as a watch, any of which could be seriously damaged or ruined by water.
(7,794 posts)That's the nature of these people. They have no concept of the actual interaction and complexity of the world they live in. Their comprehension and appreciation of the planet begins and ends with their 5 senses*. They think anybody who has more than that is crazy, or worse, too educated.
* Obviously their sense of smell is off a bit, or they'd be able to discern that Trump's a fishy character.
marble falls
(63,574 posts)Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Anyone who does something like this is unquestionably a nasty person. She's just managed to make it this far without being exposed.
marble falls
(63,574 posts)Think. Again.
(21,486 posts)...that she is a nasty person.
(20,697 posts)Not hardly, lady.
It's sick behavior.
mountain grammy
(27,571 posts)she’ll move on to poison.
(1,872 posts)... that she's a Republican.
Bennington's in the southwest corner of the state. I live in central Vermont. I know both our reps and our senator. They still have a sense of decorum and of common courtesy. Morrissey obviously has neither.
Bennington is not well represented by such a malicious person. Kick her to the curb, Bennington. You, and the rest of Vermont, deserve better.
(1,119 posts)When they think no one is watching shows their true character, she probably pulls a lot of passive aggressive crap beyond just the water.
Think. Again.
(21,486 posts)It's republicans that do shitty things.
(1,119 posts)I have a few in my family that vote Dem but are just toxic to be around and are very selfish.
Think. Again.
(21,486 posts)...lying is one of the shitty things they do.
marble falls
(63,574 posts)" Once Carroll had the goods on Morrissey, he shared them with Poleway, Krowinski and others. The speaker confronted Morrissey about it, and she initially denied responsibility, Carroll said. In a follow-up meeting with Krowinski, Morrissey apologized to him, he said.
"It was a very uncomfortable meeting," Carroll recalled. He referred questions about her motives to her.
In a prepared statement, Morrissey on Tuesday said she was sorry but did not explain her actions. "
(16,285 posts)marble falls
(63,574 posts)mn9driver
(4,666 posts)Anger, fear and hate are their prime motivators.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,877 posts)paleotn
(20,020 posts)To be honest, at this point I don't see how any decent human could put an R after their name.
lonely bird
(2,129 posts)No. That is like a non-denial denial. Or non-apology apology.
(49,070 posts)To them it's not fun if you can't get hunk on someone by doing something behind their backs, that leaves them scratching their heads, wondering how afraid they should be.
KS Toronado
(20,909 posts)
(17,472 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)AllaN01Bear
(24,127 posts)Mopar151
(10,225 posts)We have some good, decent, Republicans. Who are, increasingly, drowning in the flood of shittiness which has festered since The Red Scare.
Think. Again.
(21,486 posts)Oxymorons are sometimes difficult to spot.
(64,836 posts)If it's Trump, then they're not good or decent.
(10,225 posts)And it's maybe 5 out of 100 Repugnicants that will even admit to having impure thoughts about Dear Leader.
(64,836 posts)Literally every Republican I meet, who almost seems able to see the light, will end their momentary introspection with "but I'll still vote for him."
(10,225 posts)The Legislature's "Back Benchers" aren't even fun to watch.
(29,636 posts)Joinfortmill
(17,472 posts)Think. Again.
(21,486 posts)paleotn
(20,020 posts)Still, it's hard to see how we got here. Republicans are now the party of overt fascism. Even conservative, Blair faction Republicans are spinning in their graves.
(40,915 posts)
(40,915 posts)Official republican position - Lincoln was our nation's greatest leader
Thank God republicans won that war back in the 1860s.
This is the official position of today's republicans.
From the 2004 GOP Platform. They have not changed it.
"One hundred and fifty years ago, Americans who had gathered to protest the expansion of slavery gave birth to a political Party that would save the Union - the Republican Party.
In 1860, Abraham Lincoln of Illinois carried the Republican banner in the Presidential election and was elected the Party's first President. He became our nation's greatest leader … and one of our Party's greatest heroes. "
(20,020 posts)The problem is we have way too many House Reps in VT. 150 in a state with only 647K people. In NC, it's 120 for 10.7 MILLION. Sorry, Vermont, but that opens the door wide for way too many nutters. The complaints I hear are the legislature doesn't get nearly enough done. Well, with that many cats to herd, how the hell could they get anything done? They're too busy with middle school pranks. I'm also told I'm transplant so shut up. Alright. Alright. But remember where you heard that from.
Don't even get me started on VT citizens directly voting each year for their local school system budgets. You can imagine the disasters THAT'S causing. Elect people who know what to do or who can appoint those who know what to do. If you don't like what they do, "unelect" them next time. Ugh.
Alright....I'm shutting up. Damn transplant.
Wonder Why
(5,190 posts)Martin68
(25,086 posts)Blue Owl
(55,498 posts)especially if it more than once
(4,193 posts)Who knows what other stunts she's pulling while not being filmed.
(8,067 posts)orangecrush
(23,483 posts)Ilsa
(62,575 posts)splash her shoes with green dye and cat piss next time she does it.
But that was when I was 12 years old.
(9,815 posts)from time to time.
But this was vindictive.
“out of character,” my @$$.
live love laugh
(15,002 posts)Skittles
(162,271 posts)
(6,989 posts)IcyPeas
(23,278 posts)This is all she is known for.