Vermont Declaration of Inclusion initiative reaches new milestone
Vermont Declaration of Inclusion initiative reaches new milestone
Towns comprising 77 percent of the state’s population have adopted the resolution
By Virginia Ray
Tuesday, June 18, 2024 — Issue 770
-To date, 149 Vermont cities and towns, home to about 77 percent of the state's population, have adopted the Vermont Declaration of Inclusion to ensure all residents, visitors, and people considering moving to their communities feel welcome, safe, and that they belong.
Begun as a grassroots initiative by community members in the Rutland area, the Declaration of Inclusion has gained momentum with the help of Vermont Interfaith Action, the Vermont Chamber of Commerce, the Vermont League of Cities and Towns, and the Vermont Council on Rural Development.
Initiative representative James "Al" Wakefield says the group has heard varied reasons for voting not to adopt or declining to vote at all. They include, he said, "the Governor already did it," "It's addressing problems we don't have," "That doesn't apply to us," "We're too busy now," "We are already a welcoming community," "We don't have that problem here," and "We don't want to be associated with those folks."
"It is our experience that selectboards vote 'no' or decline to vote for several significant reasons, the most prominent being a lack of understanding of the spirit and intent of the Declaration of Inclusion, an apprehension or even a fear of outcomes, and ignorance, an unwillingness or disinclination to lead or change," Wakefield says.
Declaration of Inclusion
Town of _____________________, Vermont
The Town of ______________ condemns racism and welcomes all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, disability, or socioeconomic status, and wants everyone to feel safe and welcome in our community.
As a town, we formally condemn all discrimination in all of its forms, commit to fair and equal treatment of everyone in our community, and will strive to ensure all of our actions, policies, and operating procedures reflect this commitment.
The Town of ________________________ has and will continue to be a place where individuals can live freely and express their opinions.
By the ________________________ Selectboard on ________________________ 20__.