Neighbors Band Together to Save Cattle From Hinesburg Floodwater
Neighbors Band Together to Save Cattle From Hinesburg Floodwater
Published July 11, 2024 at 4:58 p.m.
When Denise and John Daly heard moos at 3 a.m. on Thursday, they knew that something was amiss with their herd of 20 Murray Grey cattle. At dawn, the problem became clear: The animals were stranded in high, rushing water after the previous night’s rain and flooding.
The Dalys quickly began a rescue operation, heading into the water on kayaks. They led their calves to land one by one, making sure to give the young animals life preservers and holding up their noses to breathe. The Dalys knew they would need help moving the bigger animals.
Denise put out a call for help on Facebook, and about 20 Hinesburg residents responded. Using several canoes and kayaks, the group formed a line and herded the animals to dry ground. By 9 a.m., the mission was complete.
“We only lost a month-old calf. We couldn't find her this morning, which my daughter is very heartbroken about that,” Daly said. “It could have been so much worse, and if we hadn't had help, we would have lost all the animals.”