Middlebury tries to break a world record for most dogs at a film screening
(5:58 min audio at link)
Middlebury tries to break a world record for most dogs at a film screening
Vermont Public | By Andrea Laurion
Published August 17, 2024 at 5:00 AM EDT
Andrea Laurion/Vermont Public
More than 200 dogs and their human counterparts gathered to try and break a world record in Middlebury on Aug. 10.
The current record is 219 dogs at last year’s Paw Patrol movie in Los Angeles — so they’ll need 220 to break that record.
There were rules to breaking this world record. All dogs had to be on a leash. One dog per person. And here’s the kicker: The pups and their human counterparts had to sit for 10 minutes watching the film.
So, did they break the world record? Not quite. With 206 dogs in attendance, they needed just 15 more. But don’t count Middlebury out just yet.
"We get three tries at this, so you never know," Mitchell said. "We'll see if the community is up for it. But we're so close, we know we can do it."