House Dems Narrowly Win Vote On Teacher Health Care Negotiations
Vermont House Republicans nearly pulled off a stunning upset late Wednesday night as they faced off against the Democratic majority over which side had the better plan to capture savings from new, cheaper health insurance policies for teachers.
House Speaker Mitzi Johnson (D-South Hero) had to cast a rare vote to counter a 74-73 tally that was favoring the Republican position. By forcing a 74-74 tie, Johnson defeated a GOP amendment that would shift teacher health care negotiations from the local to the state level.
The dramatic vote came at 10:30 p.m. after a long day of backroom negotiations followed by floor debate. Republicans would have won if two of their supporters — Reps. Marcia Martel (R-Waterford) and Jim Condon (D-Colchester) — were present.
“In nine years, I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Rep. Adam Greshin (I-Warren), who joined Republicans on the issue.
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