Bedford County church's QAnon event and upcoming militia 'muster' stoke questions
Whats going on with our neighbor to the east, Bedford County? Has someone slipped a nefarious substance into the water supply that hijacks minds and transports victims to the alternate universe?
Those questions are worth raising for a couple of reasons. Ones an event that occurred May 22. Another is happening Saturday in Montvale.
The first was touted in a half-page ad in a May edition of the weekly Bedford Bulletin.
Wake Up Sleepy Church! proclaimed the headline, which was promoting a free showing of a three-hour video, Fall of the Cabal, at Apple Valley Community Church, which is near Peaks of Otter.
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In the Bedford Bulletin ad, above, Apple Valley Community Church sought viewers for three-hour video May 22 pushing conspiracies cited by followers of QAnon.